R Brower
R. Brower was an early participant in the revival, but he had loyalties to Charles F. Parham. When Parham and Seymour parted ways, Brower seems to have sided with Parham.
Brower gives some insights into problems at Azusa Street, that is not mentioned else where. For example, in a letter dated August 9, 1909 he said there was a blow-up at the mission on the third anniversary of the revival. According to Brower, there was an effort to remove Seymour as pastor. In the ensuing struggle, new trustees were elected, of Seymour's friends.
Readers also learn a little about Parham's racist views from Brower. He says that Lucy Farrar was almost dicouraged by Parham because he told her blacks could not be in the bride of Christ. Brower's letter was published in The Gospel of the Kingdom in 1909 and in The Apostolic Faith in 1921.
If you have any further information on R. Brower, if you have a photograph, or if you are a descendent, please contact us at info@azusastreet.org.
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