This book has been published several times and with a number of titles, but to complete the series I wanted to publish the original unedited text with the original title. This is the first book that told the story of the revival and Bartleman was not only an eyewitness but a participant. Dr. Stanley Horton was kind enough to furnish a foreword for the book. Dr. Horton's mother attended the Azusa revival and his grandfather Elmer Fischer was a major player.
Frank Bartleman is best know for his book, "How Pentecost Came to Los Angeles." The classic book on the Azusa Street Revival in Los Angeles has been reprinted under various titles including "Another Wave Rolls In" and "Azusa Street." Early on Bartleman was a Baptist evangelist. He travelled throughout the US, including a trips on D. L. Moody's Gospel Wagon. In 1906, Bartleman became an eye-witness to the Pentecostal outpouring in Los Angeles. He published many tracts and periodical articles promoting the revival. Before his death, Bartleman travelled around the world preaching the gospel.
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